
TSA: Terror Sorority Alert

Seriously, I'm already way behind on other stuff—could the TSA stop doing stupid $&*# for maybe 48 hours? Is that possible? Today's report (thanks, Erika) is that thousands of passengers were delayed for hours at Hobby Airport in Houston, many…

New TSA Administrator Explains, Part II

Update: I did watch the rest of the hearing yesterday (see “New TSA Administrator to Explain How Agency Will Fail Differently From Now On” (July 29)), although to be honest I just sort of listened to it in the background while…

Town Says It Will Prosecute Official (Part II)

Update: The Simolaris Incident was still infuriating people at this week’s board meeting, according to a more recent report by the Lowell Sun. Simolaris and town manager John Curran argued about who had committed the greater sin, and the forum…

Town Says It Will Prosecute Official Who Did Something Useful

George Simolaris is a member of the Board of Selectmen (the town council) in Billerica, Massachusetts. According to him, some of the crosswalks around town have become unsafe because the paint has faded, and it's been taking forever to get…

Eric Holder Begins New Career in Comedy

Those of you wondering what Eric Holder would do now that he's no longer the Attorney General, wonder no more. He's apparently decided to do stand-up. Holder has always been sort of a card, as you probably recall. I personally…