Law Schools & Students

Study for the MPRE by Watching this Music Video, Baby

Some recent graduates of American University's Washington College of Law have put together this music video. It addresses some common legal-ethics problems, but you should watch it anyway because it's also a pretty good music video.   Via the Professional…

Letters of Note: To My Old Master

Here's a remarkable letter that was posted yesterday at the very interesting blog Letters of Note. The letter was written in August of 1865 to Col. P.H. Anderson of Big Spring, Tennessee, by Jourdon Anderson, one of his former slaves. At…

Denny’s Lunar Connection?

My post on the moon-rock sting operation that went down at a Denny's restaurant in California, together with what was apparently a serious need to take a break from studying for the bar exam, led a reader to do some additional research….

UC Davis Law School State of Mind

Above the Law is running its annual Law Revue Video Contest, which solicits funny videos from the nation's law-school students. ATL offers some sort of prize to the winners (though not, apparently, a job), and heaps mockery on non-winners, or…

Tricky Dick: The Musical [Updated]

The Wall Street Journal's Law Blog reports that students at Duke Law School have written and produced a musical about a young Richard Nixon, who graduated (third in his class!) from Duke in 1937 and quickly became its least favorite…