Law Schools & Students

GWU Law Students’ Ode to the “Gunner”

This was created by students at George Washington University's law school for their annual law "revue," and it's pretty damn good. Language warning for those who dislike F-bombs; volume warning for those who are fine with them but may be…

Law School Websites: Girls Under Trees?

A new report that evaluated 200 law-school websites around the country, and found that the University of Illinois had the best, also noted that over 30 percent of the websites included pictures of students in close proximity to trees, a…

The Governator Cracks Wise in Commencement Speech

Love him or hate him, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a reasonably funny guy.  (I'm not going beyond "reasonably funny" until somebody apologizes for "Batman & Robin.")  It could just be that he has good writers working for him now (unlike,…

BARGAIN ALERT: Law Degrees Cheap in Kazakhstan

That was fast.  A reader (from Chicago) informed me just now that 41,400 Kazakh tenge is currently the equivalent of US $281.80, so assuming that the Institute will be offering a U.S.-standard three-year law degree (about 90 credit-hours), that works…

JOB ALERT: Kazakhstan Law School Looking for a Dean

How far are you willing to go for a job?  If the answer is "a really long way," you should know that the Legal Profession Blog reported yesterday that a law school in Almaty, Kazakhstan, is looking for a dean….

The February Bar Exam Approaches!

For some reason I'm thinking about zombies today (tip: do not play super-realistic zombie video game just before bed if hoping to avoid bizarre zombie-related dreams) and so when I wrote the title above I immediately thought of zombies. The…

Marriage Illegal in Texas, Says Candidate

Barbara Ann Radnofsky, formerly a partner with Vinson & Elkins and now a Democratic candidate for Texas Attorney General, has pointed out the uncomfortable fact that a 2005 amendment to the state constitution, which was designed to ban gay marriage, may in fact…

Law Review Article Titles: Stop the Madness

I know there are a lot of examples of this kind of thing out there, unfortunately, but I just happened to come across this one recently: YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDNEYING ME!: The Fatal Problem of Severing Rights and Remedies…

Law Firm Party-School Rankings Released

The latest U.S. News and World Report law-school rankings were released recently, with few surprises evident, but more interesting may be the recent party-law-school rankings released by the SubtleDig site.  Those planning to "party" in law school in the same…

Thief Unwisely Tries to Steal Law Student’s Laptop

A burglar learned the dangers of trying to come between a first-year law student and his case notes in an incident on November 6 at Arizona State University.  Alex Botsios told police he woke up to find that a man…