
Trump Says He Won’t Run; Nation’s Comedians Mourn

Saying that “business is [his] greatest passion” and that he is “not ready to leave the private sector,” Donald Trump announced today that he would not run for president in 2012. Most likely, what he’s not ready to leave is…

Alan Simpson on the Deficit: “Give Them the Green Weenie”

Alan Simpson, who was a senator from Wyoming and more recently a co-chair of the president's deficit commission (don't remember that? Neither does anybody in Washington) is renowned for his "colorful language." He reinforced that reputation recently by saying this…

Sarah PalinTM Having Trouble With Registration

I suppose it should not be surprising that Sarah Palin has filed an application to register her name as a trademark. But having learned that, it is not at all surprising that the application was rejected because she forgot to…

Florida Governor Will Seek Pardon for Jim Morrison

Florida's outgoing governor, Charlie Crist, said this week that he will officially ask for a posthumous pardon for Jim Morrison, the Doors singer who was convicted in 1970 of indecent exposure after a prosecution that many believe was politically motivated….

Odd Election Results

Various Democrats and Republicans and so forth won their various races and blah blah blah. Here are a few possibly more interesting results from yesterday's elections. Rhode Island voters rejected a measure that would have changed the state's name, which…

“Naked Cowboy” Announces Presidential Bid

Well, why not. Here's just a partial list of what this election year has offered so far (and it's only mid-October): An attack ad run by a candidate for coroner in Orleans Parish portrayed the incumbent coroner as Dr. Frankenstein….

No Repeat for Obama on Nobel Prize

I’m not really sure how many Nobel Prizes they give out, but so far at least the committee has snubbed President Obama despite the fact that it voted to award him one during his very first year in office. See…