
Stephen Colbert Testifies Before Congress

If you didn't have a chance to see Stephen Colbert's testimony before Congress (specifically, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship & Border Security) about the plight of migrant workers, here's his opening statement.   The video of the full…

Witch Regulation Moving Forward In Russia

The question of whether Russia or Romania has more powerful witches has now been settled, or at least the question of which set of witches has more powerful lobbyists. Just a couple of weeks ago, Romanian lawmakers refused to pass…

Elvis Presley Running for Governor of Arkansas

I thought he was currently located in Tennessee, but I admit I have not followed his career that closely. An Elvis-Presley-impersonator named Elvis Presley filed with the Arkansas Secretary of State on Wednesday as a write-in candidate for governor.  He…

Comedian-Led Political Party Wins Big in Reykjavik

The best party in Reykjavik's local elections this year was the Best Party, a party made up largely of comedians and actors led by "Iceland's most famous comedian," Jon Gnarr.  Gnarr's party won the largest single share of votes in…

No Waiting for Dubious Arguments at the Blagojevich Trial

The corruption trial of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich started this morning, but he fired the first salvo before even walking in the front door.  It missed. His lawyers filed a motion prior to opening statements arguing that Blagojevich had…