
John Edwards Manages to Get Less Popular

Apparently unhappy with his 15 percent approval rating in a recent poll I mentioned just the other day – the lowest that polling firm had ever recorded — former senator and candidate John Edwards dashed out on Thursday to make a statement…

Blagojevich Can Appear on “Celebrity Apprentice,” Says Judge

A federal judge has ruled that former Illinois governor and loony pseudo-celebrity Rod Blagojevich can indeed appear on "Celebrity Apprentice" in March.  U.S. District Judge James Zagel decided on October 20 not to block Blagojevich from appearing on the show,…

President Wins 2009 Nobel Prize for Not Being George W. Bush

The Swedish Nobel Committee announced today that President Barack Obama had been awarded its prestigious Not-Being-George-W-Bush Prize for 2009. While the committee noted that Obama has successfully not been George W. Bush for the past five decades or so, it…

Police in South Carolina Town Not Allowed to Chase Suspects

There are many sad examples of innocent bystanders and police officers being injured as a result of high-speed chases, and so it is understandable that some cities might direct officers not to engage in those kinds of pursuits, on the grounds that…

UPDATE: “Open Mike” Duvall Resigns

Well, that didn't take long.  Just one day after the public disclosure of his affair with a lobbyist, on whom he was also cheating (if that's the right word) with a third woman, all of which was revealed by him in…

Funkytown’s Crazy Co-Mayors

I'm a little miffed that my hometown, Kansas City, waited until after I moved away to elect crazy people to run it. Actually, the voters elected one person, Mark Funkhouser, to be mayor, but he brought along his wife Gloria…