
. . . And Equal Time to the Other Guy

Since I posted an admittedly unfair but comical photo of Senator McCain, in the interest of neutrality here’s an admittedly unfair but comical photo of Senator Obama too: Everybody looks stupid in bowling shoes, but this may have been the…

Why We Wait For All Cameras to Leave the Room

You have to sympathize with someone letting off a little steam after what had to be an incredibly stressful event, but still: Turns out McCain was just reacting to having started to walk off stage in the wrong direction, but…

Tiny Billionaire Will Be New Italian Prime Minister

Silvio Berlusconi won another term as Italy’s prime minister on April 14, despite being shorter than his rivals.  Berlusconi, who is just five feet six inches tall, or a mere 1.71 meters in metric units, is routinely portrayed in political…

“Pro-Life” Candidate Seeks to Appear on Idaho Ballot

Probably most Senate candidates from Idaho have been pro-life, but this one is Pro-Life.  Literally. Mr. Pro-Life, 66, is a strawberry farmer who was born "Marvin T. Richardson."  He ran for the state legislature under that name in 2004, but…

Kevorkian May Run for Congress

Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who was released on parole last year after serving eight years for second-degree murder, reportedly will run for Congress in a hotly contested House race.  A local paper reported on March 12 that Kevorkian had obtained the…

How Client-9 Was Caught

NPR had an interesting segment this morning (March 12) as to how Client-9, formerly known as Eliot Spitzer, was found out.  As you might expect, our old friend the USA Patriot Act had a part to play, helping fulfill its…