
Andy Griffith Running for Sheriff in Wisconsin

In what seems like an unfair move — how could you not vote for "Andy Griffith" to be your sheriff? — a music store owner in Grant County, Wisconsin, changed his name from "William Fenrick" to "Andy Griffith" upon entering…

Candidate Begs Voters to Pick His Opponent

Paul Herold is a candidate for a city council seat in Blaine, Minnesota, but he wishes he wasn’t.  Herold signed up to run in the primary election, but before the election took place he got a new job that he…

Congressman Steps Down After Questionable E-Mails

Representative Mark Foley resigned from Congress today after questions were raised about e-mails he sent to a 16-year-old former congressional page.  Excerpts of the e-mails were published by ABC News and then were posted on a Washington ethics group’s website,…

Arizona May Pay One Lucky Voter $1 Million

Further confirming what a great thing the initiative process is, an Arizona proposal that would enter everyone who actually votes into the drawing for a $1 million prize has qualified for the November ballot. Tired of seeing extremely low turnouts…

Rejected Democrat Has Choice Words for Party Leaders

In May, the Democratic Party chose not to nominate anyone to run against GOP Rep. Eric Cantor for his seat in the 7th Congressional District in Virginia, rather than nominate Brad Blanton, who I guess was the only person who…

Panel Concludes Legislators Should Not Work Drunk

A citizen panel in Oregon has come to the conclusion that state legislators and legislative staff should not be drunk while performing their official duties.  The Public Commission on the Oregon Legislature adopted the policy on Monday after it was…

Burying the Hatchet

Recently quoted in The New Yorker: [Detroit] Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has named former mayoral challenger and City Councilwoman Sharon Mc Phail, who once accused him of rigging her massage chair to electrocute her, to the newly created position of general…

Peruvian Candidates Desperate for Attention

Reuters reports that with over 2,500 people running for 120 seats in Peru’s Congress, candidates have felt it necessary to engage in a variety of stupid stunts to get any attention at all. Some have chained themselves to railings outside…