
Zimzim Urallala Zimzim, Says Mayor

Harper’s Magazine reported this month on a proclamation in honor of Dadaism issued late last year by Dennis Highberger, the mayor of Lawrence, Kansas.  This year is (according to some) the 90th anniversary of the creation of Dadaism, an artistic…

Secretary of State in Possession of Coca Leaves

Coca leaves were given to Secretary Rice as part of a gift by the president of Bolivia, during Rice’s visit to that country in March.  The leaves were embedded in a guitar that President Evo Morales gave Rice, an Andean…

Vote-Buying, Appalachian Style

The mayor of Appalachia, Virginia, a town of 2,000 in southwest Virginia, has been charged (along with 13 others) with election fraud and corruption.  The scandal includes charges that a slate of three candidates bought votes from hundreds of residents…

Texas Candidate Says Former Life as Prostitute is Behind Him

Desperate not to miss out on election-year scandals, the Texas Democratic Party is offering a former prostitute for election to the state house of representatives. Tom Malin, a salesman and actor who is running in the March 7 primary, has…

Trigger-Happy Cheney Bags Lawyer During Weekend Hunting Trip

This weekend, Vice President Dick Cheney shot a lawyer in the face. According to reports, Cheney and several others were hunting quail on the Armstrong Ranch in Texas.  Harry Whittington, a 78-year-old "millionaire attorney" from Austin, shot a bird and…

Senator Supports Non-Senatorial-Wife-Damage-Cap Legislation

Senator Rick Santorum has called medical lawsuit abuse the "number one health care crisis in his state (Pennsylvania), and has repeatedly called for caps on damages for pain and suffering. He has twice sponsored legislation that would have capped such…

Dog-Bite-Law Man Bitten

Last weekend, the author of New Mexico’s recently-passed Dangerous Dog Act was attacked by his dog. Bob Schwartz, an assistant to the state governor, helped push through the hotly-debated Senate Bill 432, called the "Dangerous Dog Act," which was designed…

Lawmaker Will Keep Promise to Run Naked Through Town

Saying he did not want to break an election promise, New Zealand legislator Keith Locke will run naked through an Auckland suburb. Locke, a member of the Green Party, stated publicly that he would run through the streets naked if…