
Flying Kick Delivered During Debate in Turkish Parliament

This is by no means as epic as some of the legislative brawls we've considered before, but it does involve one flying kick and at least three flying iPads (or one that flew three times, it's hard to tell). Also lots of…

“Ford Nation” Already Canceled

When not even reality TV wants you around, isn't it time to call it quits? The exciting news that a TV network had offered Toronto's crack-smoking idiot mayor, Rob Ford, his own reality TV show was followed not long thereafter…

Senate Votes to Limit the Filibuster

In a move that there is absolutely no chance they will ever regret making, Senate Democrats today managed to push through a rule change that now makes it impossible to filibuster cabinet and judicial nominations (except for seats on the…

The Rogers Doctrine

This was Stephen Colbert's take on the hearing where Rep. Mike Rogers insisted that your privacy isn't violated if you never find out about it (see "If They Violate Your Privacy in the Woods, Do You Make a Sound?" (Oct. 30,…

Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Off to Jail—So Everything Must Go!

You have until September 26 to bid on some of the personal items that former congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. and his wife bought with campaign funds. Turns out you're actually not supposed to buy personal items with campaign funds, so they…

Defendant Claims His Underwear Is 50 Years Old

Faced with evidence that he and his family lived in luxury on a politician's salary, Bo Xilai insisted in court that he is a simple man, according to reports yesterday. Bo, who was formerly head of the Communist Party in…

Allegedly Handsy Mayor of San Diego May Resign Friday

The San Diego Union-Tribune is reporting that Mayor Bob Filner may resign on Friday as part of a proposed settlement of a sexual-harassment lawsuit against him and the city. As you may recall, more and more women have come forward to…

What? I Said “Trust NASA.” What Did You Think I Said?

Surely this was just a typo: When this is actually what was going on: Based on documents provided by Edward Snowden, the Post reports that the NSA, to which the President seemed to be referring last week, has in fact "broken…