Legislator Upset That Muslims Want to Use School-Voucher Program Too
She just assumed that “religious” meant “Christian,” because … is there another kind?
She just assumed that “religious” meant “Christian,” because … is there another kind?
Well, this can't be a good sign — for John Edwards, anyway. The jury that is currently considering whether to convict him for alleged campaign-finance violations asked yesterday for a copy of the "haircut letter." Elderly rich person "Bunny" Mellon,…
Ron Paul may have stopped "actively campaigning," but that doesn't mean his adventures are over. Far from it. Although so far he only has 98 delegates, he may be able to rack up a lot more between now and the…
Will be defenseless against Montana.
"You buried the lead" in last week's post about Sen. Ralph Shortey, a reader pointed out to me, and he was right. Given that Shortey's proposed ban on the use of "aborted human fetuses" in food or food research is…
State Rep. Scott Holcomb (D-Atlanta) may or may not be serious about this proposal, but given some of the other stuff that legislatures have done, mandatory drug testing of legislators prior to any vote might not be a bad idea….
While most people were getting ready for New Year's, President Obama was happily signing the National Defense Authorization Act (as Jonathan Turley discusses here). As you may recall, the NDAA contains a hilarious provision that requires anyone accused of terrorism to be detained…
Here's the right way to use a "signing statement": To the Members of the California State Senate: I am signing SB 769, which allows for a dead mountain lion to be stuffed and displayed. This presumably important bill earned overwhelming support [from] both…
I guess I should say right up front that there is no evidence that British MP Aidan Burley actually wore an SS uniform himself, or that he joined in the toast to "the ideology and thought process of the Third…
While you weren’t looking, those hilarious pranksters in Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, which among other things authorizes the military to detain U.S. citizens arrested in this country “without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by…