Laws (Dumb)

Flight Diverted Due to Passenger Nudity

I'll never understand airport security. The same people who insist on seeing you naked then get all upset if you take your clothes off. Make up your minds! For once, alcohol apparently played no part in an incident of this…

Saudi Women Planning to Drive on June 17

The one country on the planet that does not allow women to drive may soon have a big traffic jam on its hands, if a planned protest goes forward on June 17. That’s the day that activists have set for…

Florida Teen Claims Baggy Pants Saved Him From a ‘Gator

Here's another public-policy factor that Florida legislators considering a ban on saggy pants need to consider: they may offer a defense against gator attacks. According to WKMG in Orlando, a teenager in St. Petersburg said that he was taking a shortcut…

Florida Bill Would Make It Illegal to Take a Picture of a Farm

If you enjoy taking pictures of the Florida countryside, you should probably go get it out of your system before July 1. After that date, it may be a felony. State Senator Jim Norman (R-Tampa) recently introduced S.B. 1246, which would make…

Another Defect in Virginia’s Reckless-Driving Statutes

Apparently you can be convicted of reckless driving in Virginia even if you weren't driving. As I wrote the other day, a Virginia man was acquitted of reckless driving recently after his attorney noticed that there was an "at" missing…