Laws (Dumb)

Meals Now Less Happy in San Francisco

Those who hate fun scored a victory on Tuesday, and not just those in the Republican Party. Way at the other end of the political spectrum, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 8-3 to ban the inclusion of toys…

Odd Election Results

Various Democrats and Republicans and so forth won their various races and blah blah blah. Here are a few possibly more interesting results from yesterday's elections. Rhode Island voters rejected a measure that would have changed the state's name, which…

Witch Regulation Moving Forward In Russia

The question of whether Russia or Romania has more powerful witches has now been settled, or at least the question of which set of witches has more powerful lobbyists. Just a couple of weeks ago, Romanian lawmakers refused to pass…

Georgia Town Enters Fight Against Sagging Pants

One of the continuing stupid issues I monitor here is the War on Sagging that still rages across this land. It seems like only yesterday, but was in fact two years ago, that a Florida judge struck down an anti-low-pants…

County Apologizes for Shutting Down Unlicensed Lemonade Stand

In the future, county health department workers should use "professional discretion" when enforcing permit requirements, said Jeff Cogan, county chairman in Multnomah County, Oregon.  He was responding to criticism over the department's decision last week to crack down on Julie…