Lawsuits (Baffling)

Plaintiff Alleges He Caught Herman Cain With Kim Kardashian

I really shouldn't encourage this guy, but as long as he's suing one or more Kardashians I can't feel too bad about it: Jonathan Kimberly v. Kim Kardashian aka Kimberly Noel Kardashian; Herman Cain; Kourtney Kardashian, No. 5:12-cv-1811 (W.D. La. filed June…

Carreon Complaint Amended, Still Odd

Internet darling Charles Carreon has already amended the complaint he filed just last week, and while it's not unheard of to file an amended complaint that quickly, it does tend to encourage the belief that maybe the initial filing was…

Robin Hood v. the Banking Industry

From a Courthouse News summary of newly filed cases: Robin Hood, et al. v. US Gov. Banking Industry, et al., No. 3:12-cv-1542-EDL (N.D. Cal. filed Mar. 27, 2012). RICO class action. "But yet this subject matter 'Over-limit' / 'Overdraft' is on the…

Plaintiff Seeks Freedom From Granfalloonery, Harassatoriness

From a complaint filed last week in San Francisco:  Michael M ____ v. City and County of San Francisco; San Francisco Superior Court; Dennis Herrera; Wayne Snodgrass; Andrew Gschwind; Harry Gower III; Robert Baysinger; Alisa Hollander Ella Yip; Adena Gilbert; Charlotte Woolard;…