Lawsuits (Baffling)

New Orleans Docket: Wasp-Related Negligence

John B____ v. Vasamth Bethala, Manager; LQ12 LLC dba LaQuinta Inn & Suites; James River Ins. Co., No. 2011-12066 F (22d Dist. Jud. Ct. La., filed Apr. 7, 2011). Negligence action. While the plaintiff was staying on the third floor of the…

A Tort Causation Puzzler for You

Here's a report of a case filed in New Orleans last month: Baptiste v. Wyndham Vacation Resorts Inc.; Avenue Plaza Hotel, No. 2011-01688 H (New Orleans 2/17/2011). Lawsuit for personal injury and negligence. While staying at the defendants' hotel, the plaintiff…

Man Claims Emotional Distress Due to Bird Insults

The AFP reports that a Taiwanese man has sued his neighbors claiming that they trained their mynah bird to swear at him and that the bird's relentless taunting caused him serious emotional distress. Few details were available, but it appeared that…

Plaintiff Claims Potential Landlord Tracked Her in Motorcade

From the San Francisco docket: Jacqueline J_____ v. Milena Talian; Bobby Bogan; Mission Bay Housing Ptnrs LP; FillmoreMarketplace LP; Related Mgt. Co. LP, No. CGC-10-505164 (San Francisco Super. Ct. filed Nov. 8, 2010) Civil rights lawsuit. The plaintiff was tracked, followed and…

From the Docket: Satan’s Employees, Dangerous Doors

These are third-party summaries of a couple of cases filed recently in San Francisco Superior Court. This first one seems to involve a party admission of the kind you just don't get that often: Rabbi ______ v. Mark Hopkins Intercontinental…

From the Docket: Alleged Failure to Supervise Knife Use

Aprille Mammone v. Vector Marketing Corporation; Jordan Anderson, No. CV 1003399 (Marin County Super. Ct. filed June 29, 2010). Complaint for negligence. The defendants were engaged in a sales presentation of kitchen and sporting knives when they negligently allowed the…

From the Docket: Attack of the Bulb

Eric Wright v. Alliance Residential LLC, Case No. RG10-519746 (filed June 10, 2010). Premises liability action where the plaintiff was hit in the head by a light bulb in his kitchen at The Courtyards apartments in Emeryville [California]. The plaintiff was…