Lawsuits (Unlikely)

Ecce Abogado (Behold the Lawyer)

You may recall the incident last month in which an elderly parishioner of the Sanctuary of Mercy church near Zaragosa, Spain, decided on her own to try to restore a deteriorating fresco of Jesus, with unfortunate results: According to one…

Hi, I Own Your Land Although I Have No Evidence of That

"I have been practicing law since 1974," said Randal Harrison, "and I have never been involved in a case where someone was claiming a title based on unrecorded deeds that were over 200 years old and not having possession of…

Plaintiff Alleges He Caught Herman Cain With Kim Kardashian

I really shouldn't encourage this guy, but as long as he's suing one or more Kardashians I can't feel too bad about it: Jonathan Kimberly v. Kim Kardashian aka Kimberly Noel Kardashian; Herman Cain; Kourtney Kardashian, No. 5:12-cv-1811 (W.D. La. filed June…

We Have That Bathroom Problem Again

From a complaint filed in El Paso County, Colorado, in May: FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF(Negligence) 8.  Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each and every other paragraph as though fully set forth herein. 9.  On or about May 28, 2010, Plaintiff…

Assorted Stupidity #39

There are a number of reasons why lawyers might withdraw from a case other than a belief that the case is completely bogus, but by the time your ninth set of lawyers asks to withdraw it might be time to reevaluate,…

Never Grip a Tent in a Windstorm

I don't know how many times this has happened to me: Isle J_____ v. Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise, No. 56-2012-00416828 (Ventura County Superior Ct. May 4, 2012) Personal injury. While plaintiff was attending the Cajun Creole Music Festival, the tent next to plaintiff…