
One Hearing, Nine Important Tips

As usual, these tips concern things you should not do. The following excerpts are from R. v. Covey (2001), in which the court held Covey was a "vexatious litigant," meaning he can't file further cases without court approval because he has filed…

Inmate Sues Himself for Violating His Civil Rights

Here's another example of autolitigation, which like the story in yesterday's post is not new but is worth adding to the archive. Unlike the story in yesterday's post, however, in which it was not inconceivable that there might have been some…

Today in Pro Se Litigation

Two interesting CNS reports of newly filed cases (actually filed yesterday, so yes, I guess this should be "Yesterday in Pro Se Litigation," Mr. Headline-Fact-Checker-Guy). The first one was filed by someone who has appeared here before: Joan Newberger v….

Pope Sued

According to the German newspaper Westfälische Rundschau, a new lawsuit asks the question, "Gilt auf dem Papst Benedikt XVI die Anschnallpflicht im Papamobil?" If like me you don't speak German, that apparently means something like, "Is the Pope legally required…

Man Sues Couple He Kidnapped

“The couple gained [their kidnapper’s] trust by eating Cheetos and drinking Dr. Pepper with him while watching the movie ‘Patch Adams.'” Then, they violated that trust.