
Pi Trademarked (Sort Of)

Looks like it's safe to go back to using the symbol for pi on t-shirts, at least for now. Someone whose initials are P.I. managed to get the symbol (followed by a period) registered as a trademark, and where there's…

Judge Posner Blasts Banana Lady

I'm a big fan of using images in briefs and opinions when that is appropriate, and it's hard to think of a more appropriate case than one involving a lady in a banana suit. The specific case I'm thinking of…

Price Gouging Blamed for Broken Tooth

From a recent Courthouse News report of new filings in Louisiana (thanks, Andy):  USDC Eastern District of Louisiana New Orleans Charles Edward Lincoln III and all others similarly situated v. Bobby Danner, Mayor; Olivier House Hotel; 534 Dauphine Street LLC;…

Portland Pimp Has a Point (But Suit Is Still Stupid)

Everyone seems to have rushed to judgment in the case of Sirgiorgio Clardy, the pimp sentenced to 100 years in jail for, among other things, stomping someone's face while wearing Air Jordans, and who has now sued Nike for allegedly failing…

Springfield’s Buttocks Surface; Plaintiff’s Lawyer Comments

Updating an important story from last week (see "Mistrial Declared in Rick Springfield's Buttocks-Assault Case" (Nov. 20)), two new developments. First, The Picture has been released to the media: To be specific, this is the picture the plaintiff claims she took…