Legal History

And No Warrants Shall Issue, Unless the King Says So

In what is surely an incredible coincidence, the partner of the reporter (Glenn Greenwald) who has been embarrassing the NSA over the past few weeks was just detained at Heathrow airport under the Terrorism Act, held for nine hours, questioned…

More Fun With Jeremy Bentham

Present but not voting Of course, no reference to Jeremy Bentham would be complete without mentioning that his badly preserved corpse is still on display at University College, London. Bentham did not attend UCL but became affiliated with it in…

The Day Justice Douglas Threw a Book Out the Window

From the book In Chambers: Stories of Supreme Court Law Clerks and Their Justices, noted by Andrew Cohen in The Atlantic : Law clerks in this era all learned that none of [Justice William O.] Douglas' rules were ever to be ignored….

WWII Legal Ad Compared Clients to Nazis

Well, technically, just to the Wehrmacht: "If like Poland you're not ready for the onslaught, you too could be ruthlessly torn apart and partitioned between rival dictatorships! Let Bobbs-Merrill intervene on your behalf." This is from an interesting article by…

Mississippi Finishes Up the Paperwork on 13th Amendment

A mere 148 years after the end of the Civil War, Mississippi has become the last state to send in its paperwork on the 13th Amendment, which as you may recall was the one that abolished slavery. AMENDMENT XIII Passed…