Legal Profession, The

Finally, the Movie Version of that Japanese Lawyer Video Game

According to Neatorama, this is actually happening:   "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney," the game that lets everyone in on the fun of practicing law, originated in Japan. Its success there led to a 2005 release in the U.S. on the Nintendo…

International Body Declares No-Wig Zone in the Netherlands

The Associated Press reported this week that at least one judge of the International Criminal Court in The Hague has told lawyers appearing before her to stop wearing wigs. There is no official dress code at the ICC, and given the wide…

Offices and What Not to Do in Them

The first office I’m going to mention is my new one. We have just moved to a new building in San Francisco, and these offices are so much better than our old ones (leased just before the dot-com crash in…

Deposition Battle Over Definition of “Photocopy”

Also from Cleveland (via the WSJ Law Blog) comes another story of lawyers doing battle, this time over the meaning of "photocopy." The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported on a deposition taken in a dispute apparently before the Ohio Supreme Court over…

In Defense of the Swingline 747

I was appalled to see that the people at the normally very good site Big Legal Brain have posted a less-than-perfect review of the Swingline 747 stapler – — which, as you can see here, is the model I use.  Granted, they gave…