Seismologists Convicted of Not Predicting Earthquake
Still dumb. (The Italian justice system, not seismologists.)
Still dumb. (The Italian justice system, not seismologists.)
This is something you'd really prefer to get through your entire legal career without having to say. From a report today in Ars Technica: SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA—Testimony in the giant Apple v. Samsung patent trial is entering its final hours, and nerves…
Bruce Carton at Legal Blog Watch noticed that the trial of accused murderer Joshua Monson is going forward despite his best efforts to derail it by poking three successive lawyers with some sort of writing implement. See "Man Who Stabbed His First Two…
I guess if they aren't going to allow cameras in the courtroom — and sketches are just too boring — the only alternative is to reenact the day's testimony using hand puppets. That's what Channel 19 in Akron, Ohio, is…
According to Neatorama, this is actually happening: "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney," the game that lets everyone in on the fun of practicing law, originated in Japan. Its success there led to a 2005 release in the U.S. on the Nintendo…
This could have been a fairly mundane tale about why accused felons who choose to represent themselves usually end up being convicted felons. The defendant, Morgan Armstrong, was represented by counsel in the first of three trials he faced for…
As long as it’s it’s less than a “substantial portion” of trial, the Constitution doesn’t mind.
Everybody wants God on their side, but über-polygamist Warren Jeffs is apparently getting legal advice directly from Him. Jeffs, who is the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS), is on trial in Texas…
Quick flashback to Blagojevich I (from a July 2010 post): "Rod Blagojevich yells his innocence as he comes out offederal court Thursday afternoon." (Chicago Sun-Times) I'd like to think that each of the Blagojevich II jurors struck the same pose as he…
Bringing an end to what will certainly be the next ripped-from-the-headlines "Law & Order" drama, a New York judge acquitted Marcella Caprario on Wednesday of charges that she slapped another shopper at Trader Joe's. The fight with Dr. Cathleen London…