Lowering the Bench

Jokes in the Profession

From the first chapter of Bleak House, by Charles Dickens, who would be 200 years old today if he hadn't died in 1870: Jarndyce and Jarndyce drones on. This scarecrow of a suit has, in course of time, become so…

McDonald’s Ordered to Pay Fat Manager

Via the Law360 service I learned that a judge in Brazil has ordered McDonald's to pay a former manager $17,500 based on his allegations that he gained 65 pounds during his years with the company, due to such dastardly corporate practices as offering employees…

Judge Hands Out Condoms Hidden in Acorns

Today’s inexplicable-misconduct story involves a Pennsylvania judge who has been charged with disorderly conduct for hiding condoms inside acorns and handing them out to unsuspecting women on the grounds of the state capitol. Confronted by capitol police, the judge admitted to…

Judge Defends Decision to Issue Warrant for Overdue DVD

Ex-judge, that is. After his firing, which you may recall was prompted by the jailing of a 19-year-old for failing to return a DVD to the library, former municipal judge James Kimmel stood by his decision to issue a bench…