Mascot Law

Bad News for Dog-Flinging Mascots

The case against the Kansas City Royals for negligence based on the acts of "Sluggerrr," the team's strange crown-headed lion-like mascot, has been reinstated by the Missouri Court of Appeals. If you've been following this story as I have, and…

Polar Bears Busted

Russian police have something to learn about giving arrestees the chance for a photo op, although I’m glad they haven’t learned it yet. First they take our ice cap, now this This was one of four polar bears arrested (along…

City Makes Public Statement Regarding the Sugar Plum Fairy

Here's an official statement from the city of St. Charles, MO, on the Sugar Plum Fairy incident. As should be obvious, all italicized and/or bracketed material is my commentary and not part of the official statement. Mayor Sally Faith –…

Sugar Plum Fairy Fired for Cursing During Drug Test

St. Charles, Missouri, has been in the news before (my news, at least), back when it was contemplating an ordinance that would have banned "profane language" anywhere alcoholic beverages are sold, a ban that would have been unconstitutional as well…

“Most-Sued Mascot in the Majors” Is Back in Court

"Grace Crass, of Wernersville, [Pennsylvania,] claims that she was at the [game] with her church group when the massive, green, bird-anteater hybrid climbed through the stands and onto her legs," said the report on June 30 about the latest tort…