Mascot Law

Dog-Flinging Mascot Blamed for Eye Injury

It's been almost a year since my last mascot story — that one was in March 2009, after somebody punched McGruff the Crime Dog in the face — so I had been on the lookout for one.  But I did not…

Crime Dog, Cow Assaulted

It's been a while since we had any mascot-attack stories, but it still does not appear to be safe out there for the nation's brave mascots. On March 1, McGruff the Crime Dog was passing out flyers to children in…

Mascot Badgerer Pleads Guilty

I can understand not wanting to leave Shea Stadium, but don’t take it out on the mascot. A 32-year-old man who was accused of harassing "Mr. Met" at a game back in May has pleaded guilty, the NY Daily News…

Benny the Bull In Trouble Again

An Illinois dentist has sued the Chicago Bulls after allegedly being injured by the team’s mascot, Benny the Bull, in what is a rare example of a lawsuit predicated on a negligent high-five. Don Kalant alleges he was watching a…

Cartoon Characters Subpoenaed

Last Friday, a court in Naples, Italy, sent trial subpoenas to Mickey Mouse, Tweety, and Donald and Daisy Duck, in what appears to have been a clerical error. The defendant awaiting trial there is charged with counterfeiting Disney and Warner…