
Behold the Peeps Diorama Entries

The ABA Journal is running a contest for the best law-themed Peeps diorama, and while it is apparently too late to enter now, you can take a look at the gallery of entries here (it's a slideshow, but still). I'm partial…

Offices and What Not to Do in Them

The first office I’m going to mention is my new one. We have just moved to a new building in San Francisco, and these offices are so much better than our old ones (leased just before the dot-com crash in…

Happy Valentine’s Day?

In honor of this semi-holiday, disliked by many and inducing feigned enjoyment in half of the remainder, here are a few past tales of love and the law, most but not all from the "Domestic Law" category here. Actually, now that…

Man Loses Cockfight

This is what you might call "payback," although in California people tend to call it "karma." A California man attending a cockfight in Tulare County died on January 30 after one of the birds stabbed him in the leg. The birds apparently are…

Most-Viewed Stories of 2010

The items below are the items that got the most traffic here during 2010. Not all of these were written or posted during 2010, though most were – they are just the items that, for whatever reason, happened to draw…

UPDATE: Santa Cleared in Providence Robbery

I reported earlier on a number of crimes allegedly carried out by one Santa Claus, a.k.a. Kris Kringle, a.k.a. "St. Nicholas," a.k.a. "St. Nick," during this holiday season, and it seems only fair to follow up with this report that…

Bad Santas Attack Swedish Royal Palace

Weirdness never takes a holiday, and so neither does Lowering the Bar. Well, every once in a while, but not today. The Swedish bureau reports that a pair of Santas attacked two guards at the Swedish royal palace in Stockholm…

Facebook Page

While I have never been too fond of Facebook (though I have come to terms with the Twitter), it has come to my attention that at least a few people do use it and so I have set up an…

Law and the Multiverse

Here's a great new blog you should check out: Law and the Multiverse, which considers legal scenarios involving superheroes and supervillains. My favorite so far is probably the post "RICO and the Legion of Doom," in which the authors conclude that…