
LoTB Road Show Draws Few Protesters

Thanks to those who attended (live or by videoconference) the first Lowering the Bar Traveling Road Show, International Mideast Peace Conference and Petting Zoo last Friday.  It appeared to be well-received, as few objects were thrown and those that actually…

You Thought Things Were Bad Before

A man in Germany trying to end it all just made it even worse for himself when he miscalculated his jump.  He meant to jump under a train, but timed his jump too late and so he instead crashed through…

“Mrs. Noisy” Sentenced to Year in Prison

Miyoko Kawahara, better known (at least in Japan) as "Mrs. Noisy," was sentenced today by a court in Nara to one year in jail for causing a nuisance that harmed nearby residents.  Mrs. Noisy, for some reason, constantly screamed insults…

Death v. Graves

Not sure if "Comical Case Names" deserves its own category, but if so this one, filed in San Francisco on April 17, will be in it: Alan Death; Demetri "Mimi" Death v. Graves & Co., et al., CGC-06-451316 (filed Apr….

Just Say No to Door-to-Door Tattoo Salesmen

I was pleased to see that none of my Springfield (Mo.)  relatives were involved in this story, which involves a man who apparently went door-to-door there last week offering tattoos. Now, if I were going to let a stranger who…

Ronald MacDonald Charged With Stealing From Wendy’s

Having almost certainly been hired by Wendy's (and named by his parents) solely for the humor value, Ronald MacDonald was arrested early Monday for stealing money out of the safe at the Wendy's restaurant where he worked. Unfortunately, he was…