
Cause of Death: Clowning Around

Just changed my living will to specify that I’d like to go this way when the time comes. Just changed it back. I haven’t been able to find any additional details (which is probably for the best), but did confirm…

The Freedom of (Ridiculous) Information Act at Work

From What Do They Know?, a UK site run by mySociety.org that makes it easy for people to make Freedom of Information requests or read the results of those made by others: Dear South Wales Fire Service, How many cats have…

Most Popular Posts of 2011

Turns out to be easier to give in to the urge to do a year-end “top ten” list than to keep worrying about it (plus I want to justify the recently bestowed “Fun” label, thanks again), so here are the…

Blog Voted “Most Fun,” Claims Lawyer

 — PRESS RELEASE —  Lowering the Bar Again Selected by ABA Journal as a Top 100 Blawg The editors of the ABA Journal have again chosen Lowering the Bar, written by Kevin Underhill of Shook, Hardy & Bacon, as one…

Honorable Mentions 2011

In an effort to clear out the stories I flagged but didn’t get around to writing up during 2011, here’s an end-of-last-year assortment that collects some of those, in no particular rank or order. I might or might not return…

Amazon.com Now Thinks I Want to Buy a Snow-Cone Machine

Amazon's bots have concluded that based on recent research (see here, here and here), I may be interested in something from the Small Appliances Department, let's say possibly one or more of these snow-cone/ice-shaving machines: I guess that's fair, although (having…

Drug-Addled ABA Journal Editors Name LTB to Blawg 100 List

The ABA Journal announced its fifth annual "Blawg 100" list yesterday, and for the second year in a row, the editors have either graciously or mistakenly named Lowering the Bar to that list. Meth use is reportedly rampant over there, and…

A Few Things I’m Thankful For

That I am lucky enough to not have to shop on "Black Friday." See, e.g., "Customers hit by pepper spray at Wal-Mart describe scene of chaos," Los Angeles Times (Nov. 25, 2011, 2:26 am) (describing a "pepper-spray attack by a…

Man Changes Name to “Led Zeppelin II”

Since I became Led Zeppelin, my life has improved a thousand-fold. — Led Zeppelin II (formerly George F. Blackburn) Let's say you're 64 years old and just got divorced from your third wife. You're going to want to try to…

Evidence You Have Too Much Money

1. You own an iPad. 2. You own a fancy case for your iPad. 3. You paid $500 for your iPad case because it's part of The Bernie Madoff Collection, which means it's made out of Bernie Madoff's old clothes….