
Three Follow-Ups

Let's return to some prior stories and see how things have developed. I. Escape Proves Temporary In 2009, I reported that repeat offender Ronald Tackman had escaped from a holding area in Manhattan Supreme Court, where he was awaiting trial,…

One Way to Make Litigation Attractive

Actually, maybe the only way. George Kokkinidis of Design Language News has plotted who's suing who in the mobile business, creating this graphic that is probably the most attractive depiction of litigation you're likely to see: The fact that so many arrows…

Do You Know This Man? He Probably Hopes Not [Updated]

There is some speculation that a mystery prisoner in Utah, who was arrested three weeks ago for trespassing and has refused to give any information about himself, is actually a former Pennsylvania district attorney who disappeared six years ago and…

This Service Needs to Be Tweaked

I tried out one of those services that analyzes your Twitter feed and tells you things like who "influences" you, who you influence, and so on. I think the algorithm might need a little more work: "Pirates" made at least some sense to me….

Man Reports Faucet Switched by Mysterious Faucet-Switcher

Strange doings afoot: FLINT, Michigan — A man told police on Monday that someone mysteriously switched the faucet of his kitchen sink, according to a larceny report filed with Flint police. The man told police he went into his kitchen at…

A Bin Laden Retrospective

So, what can a legal-humor blog add to the national conversation about the end of Osama bin Laden? Nothing useful, that's for sure. But since Wolf goddamn Blitzer insists on talking about how many people have showed up at what…

From the Docket: Mr. Potato Head

Bernadette M_____ v. Northern Trust, National Association, et al., No. CGC 11-510013 (San Francisco Super. Ct. filed Apr. 7, 2011). Employment complaint for sex, age and race discrimination. The plaintiff, an Irish citizen, suffered through a Mr. Potato Head contest organized by…