
The TSA Can’t Tell an Insulin Pump From a Gun

I don't like to let more than a couple of weeks go by without pointing out how pointless and incompetent the TSA is, and so at least for that purpose it's lucky that its employees do dumb things so frequently….

TSA Settles With Woman Whose Top Was Pulled Down

I'm glad to see these people finally having to pay someone, but $2,350 is not enough for this. The 24-year-old plaintiff alleged that at the Corpus Christi airport in May 2008, she was selected for an enhanced pat-down, sufficiently enhanced…

President Receives Transparency Award in Closed Meeting

Not an April Fools’ prank. Seriously. According to Politico and the Washington Post, a couple of weeks ago President Obama was scheduled to receive an award from the organizers of the Freedom of Information Day Conference, to be presented at the White…