
Comical Case Names: Terrible v. Terrible

Somewhat surprisingly, there is nothing else funny about the opinion itself, but it still qualifies for the Comical Case Names Page. Terrible v. Terrible, 534 P. 2d 919 (Nev. 1975). The parties had been divorced in 1971 after a proceeding I…

An Important Solar Update

Toby McCasker of somehow got an interview with Angeles Duran, who as I'm sure you remember is la mujer española que es la propietaria del sol. See "The Woman Who Owns the Sun Is Using Her Powers for Good," (October 2013); see also "Sunshine No…

Washington May Join 19 Other “Right to Dry” States

According to the Seattle Times (via the ABA Journal), 19 U.S. states have laws protecting the right to dry clothes by hanging them outside on clotheslines. Many people think that drying clothes this way is a super-neat and environmentally friendly idea,…

State Supreme Court Rules on Fence Case

This excerpt from a judicial opinion was posted on Reddit as evidence that the practice of law is "interesting and glamorous": As already observed, one of the fence pickets concededly exceeds the permissible height by approximately 7/8ths of an inch….

Twiggs County Land-Grab Update

Still no ruling in the lawsuit by the guy claiming he owns 400 acres of land in Twiggs County, Georgia, despite apparently having zero evidence to prove that. According to this more recent local report, the residents whose homes are…

Hi, I Own Your Land Although I Have No Evidence of That

"I have been practicing law since 1974," said Randal Harrison, "and I have never been involved in a case where someone was claiming a title based on unrecorded deeds that were over 200 years old and not having possession of…