Lowering the Bar Exam Questions

Court: No, One Person Can’t Be a “Partnership”

I’m a strong believer that in legal writing, an introduction should pretty much tell you everything you need to know. This one does. The parties to this appeal, a partnership dispute, agree on one issue. They want us to assume…

Court Rules Punch to the Groin Was No “Accident”

Q: An insurance policy covers bodily injury "caused by an occurrence," and defines "occurrence" as an "accident." Does the policy cover an injury caused by conduct that was deliberate but not intended to cause injury? A: No. Q: Does the…

In Defense of Monkey Copyright [Updated]

Thanks for your responses to my question about who if anyone owns the legal rights to a monkey photographer's work. The responses varied, although none were too favorable to the monkey. Here are some thoughts, with the disclaimer that I'm…

Legal Questions Raised by Success of Monkey Photographer

Here's an excellent question (via the Legal Satyricon): if a monkey steals your camera and takes a bunch of pictures with it, who (if anyone) owns the rights to the pictures? After three days of hanging out with some crested…

A Brief Research Memo Concerning a Simulated Chicken Head

Question Presented Did the judge correctly rule that an employee was entitled to workers' compensation because the work-related events she experienced were the "predominant contributing cause of [her emotional] disability"? The Facts Mr. Grillo agreed to provide [medical] insurance [only]…

A Tort Causation Puzzler for You

Here's a report of a case filed in New Orleans last month: Baptiste v. Wyndham Vacation Resorts Inc.; Avenue Plaza Hotel, No. 2011-01688 H (New Orleans 2/17/2011). Lawsuit for personal injury and negligence. While staying at the defendants' hotel, the plaintiff…