
I Can’t Play NHL 2008 Online Forever, Plaintiff Complains

Well, the ever-roiling, always-turbid waters of California consumer law have just coughed up yet another ridiculous creature whose slowly decomposing corpse will stink up the once-pleasant beach that is the federal docket for the next several months. (Previous sentence ©2013…

U.S. Pat. No. 1,926,420: Monkey Dog Saddle

The official name is "COMBINED RACING GREYHOUND HARNESS AND RIDER SUPPORTING MEANS," but I like mine better. From the application, filed in 1932: In the sport of greyhound racing, that is enjoyed by dog fanciers and racing enthusiasts, there has…

Skull Reaper Getting Hassled by Rest of City Council

Normally stories about city-council dress codes (or at least the ones I notice) involve audience members refusing to wear pants, but this one is about a councilor who won't take off his mask. Skull Reaper A-ji won a seat on…

Bad News for Dog-Flinging Mascots

The case against the Kansas City Royals for negligence based on the acts of "Sluggerrr," the team's strange crown-headed lion-like mascot, has been reinstated by the Missouri Court of Appeals. If you've been following this story as I have, and…

UPDATE: More on Your Freedom to Tebow

As I mentioned the other day, many media outlets have been reporting incorrectly that Tim Tebow had been granted a trademark on the act of "Tebowing," not just the term. To some extent this may have been a misunderstanding of…

Tebow Trademarks “Tebowing”?

Photo: AP Various reports, like this one at the Washington Times, have said that Jets quarterback Tim Tebow has trademarked the act of "Tebowing," but I don't think that's true. He has certainly trademarked the word "Tebowing" for use in a variety…

Drive-By Tebowing Reported in Pennsylvania

A young man in Shenango, PA, claims that he was the victim of a Tim-Tebow-themed assault last week while mowing his lawn.   According to a police report posted by The Smoking Gun, the victim reported that at one point he…