The Inexplicable

Invisible Man Fails to Appear

Artist's Impression In February, a 28-year-old Georgia man called 911 to report that he was invisible. According to the Barrow Patch, paramedics and a deputy with the Barrow County Sheriff's Office responded to the call on February 17. The paramedics…

Nor Can the Court Order Specific Performance

[O]ne of the central recurring assertions in Washington’s pleadings is that his genitals are shrinking and prison officials are responsible for this process. Indeed, Washington’s prior complaints have, inter alia, requested that we reverse the process and restore him to his former stature, something that…

Strange Doings in Colorado

From the police blotter for Highland Ranch/Lone Tree, Colorado: A little further down, there's a report of an apparent burglary — though no money was taken — at a "Cheeburger Cheeburger" restaurant. Coincidence? The same list includes the reported theft…

Cross That One Off the List

According to the Butte Montana Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Butte area "abounds with outdoor recreation opportunities." It probably does, but apparently it's still possible to get bored there. The Montana Standard reports that a 55-year-old man was charged this week…

Florida Man Calls for Backup in TV Gunfight

A man in Pasco County, Florida, called 911 at about 1 a.m. on January 24 after he heard a commotion and then gunshots in his living room. Hiding behind his bed after grabbing his own gun, Alan Benz told dispatchers he…

Blog Voted “Most Fun,” Claims Lawyer

 — PRESS RELEASE —  Lowering the Bar Again Selected by ABA Journal as a Top 100 Blawg The editors of the ABA Journal have again chosen Lowering the Bar, written by Kevin Underhill of Shook, Hardy & Bacon, as one…