The Inexplicable

Man Accused of Weasel-Related Assault is Acquitted

The Seattle Times, which proudly and rightfully boasts that it is the "Winner of Eight Pulitzer Prizes," will not win another one for its coverage of this story, I'm sorry to say. But this December 7 report did at least…

Finally, the Movie Version of that Japanese Lawyer Video Game

According to Neatorama, this is actually happening:   "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney," the game that lets everyone in on the fun of practicing law, originated in Japan. Its success there led to a 2005 release in the U.S. on the Nintendo…

Shoe Applied to Witness

This could have been a fairly mundane tale about why accused felons who choose to represent themselves usually end up being convicted felons. The defendant, Morgan Armstrong, was represented by counsel in the first of three trials he faced for…

Mule Drivers Must Have Biometric ID, Says TSA

The Transportation Security Administration, taking a break from its critical shoe-removal and water-bottle-disposal duties, has told the mule-skinners at Hugh Moore Park that they must comply with strict post-9/11 security measures by applying for high-tech biometric Transportation Worker Identification Credentials….

New York AG Shuts Down “Smackfest” Slapping Contests

Successfully concluding his latest campaign to enhance public safety, New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer has announced a settlement under which an Albany radio station will stop its “Smackfest” competition, in which young women slap each other for prizes. Spitzer…