The Inexplicable

Atomic Wedgie Cited as Cause of Death

Well, a cause of death. The victim's death in this Oklahoma case was attributed to "blunt force trauma to the head and asphyxiation," and I'd be willing to bet that blunt-force trauma was the real culprit here but the report does say that…

No Quantum of Solace

There are lots of posts out there about the horrifying Eckert case (including mine), and lots of them are good, but you should definitely read this one posted today by Ken White at Popehat, entitled "What Is The Quantum of Proof Necessary…

Plaintiff in Deming Case Was Held for 15 Hours [Updated]

Via, here's the complaint in Eckert v. City of Deming, which I also wrote about yesterday. In general the KBO News report summarized it correctly, but there are some additional facts alleged here (in addition to more horrible details of…

Do NOT Clench Your Buttocks in Deming, New Mexico

Why not, you ask? Because it may be interpreted as probable cause to conduct an anal-cavity search. Or six. According to this KOB News report, police in Deming, New Mexico, and some doctors they convinced to help them, conducted no…