
TSA Detains Possible Terrorist Armed With Flashcards

Here's something else to add to the Transportation Safety Administration training manual.  It's a simple six-point terrorist screening test I have just devised: If you notice that a traveler is carrying Arabic-English flashcards, and that person already speaks fluent English,…

Dangerous Cub Scout on No-Fly List

Michael Winston Hicks is the name of a suspicious individual who is on "the list," according to the TSA. It is also the name of 8-year-old "Mikey" Winston Hicks, left, who according to a January 13 New York Times article…

Lawyer Misses Flight; Now Working at Airport Information Desk

Ironically, having posted just yesterday about being habitually late for things, including air travel, I missed my flight this morning.  Since, unlike some secretaries, my secretary is apparently not devoted enough to call in bomb threats on my behalf even though she knows…

Employee Goes Extra Mile for Boss With Bomb Threat

To:      My SecretaryFrom: MeDate:  TodayRe:      You Not Calling in Bomb Threats on My Behalf As you know, I habitually run late for everything, especially air travel.  It has come to my attention that other people's assistants…

TSA Targets Snow-Globe Terrorism Threat

As I have argued before, the absence of hijackings since 9/11 is almost certainly not due to the unenhanced security provided by the Transportation Security Administration, which daily protects our nation’s planes from the threat of oversized nail clippers, undeclared…

Pilots Who Forgot to Land No Longer Allowed to Fly

The Northwest Airlines pilots who failed to respond to air-traffic controllers for 90 minutes, missed their destination by 120 miles, and claimed they had "lost track of time" while using their laptops, have been stripped of their licenses by the…

Can Church-and-State Issues Be Funny? Hell, Yes

I am way overdue in suggesting that you buy a copy of Jay Wexler's book, Holy Hullaballoos: A Road Trip to the Battlegrounds of the Church/State Wars. At the outset, given that the FTC is now regulating blog endorsements, I…

Kids Not Supposed to Ride on Roof of Car, Apparently

First they tell you kids can't ride in the trunk, now they get upset about having them ride on the roof.  What's a mother to do? Police in Albertville, Alabama, arrested a 37-year-old woman on Sunday and charged her with…

Great Wall Warnings

I guess the bottom sign might be asking that others assist heart patients who may be trying to ascend the Great Wall, rather than a warning to the latter not to do so.  It's hard to say. There seems little…