Unnatural Law

Why the Devil Quit Bothering Pigs, According to Justice Scalia

From an interview with Justice Scalia, published Sunday in New York magazine: Q: You believe in heaven and hell?A: Oh, of course I do. Don't you believe in heaven and hell?  No. Oh, my. Does that mean I'm not going?[Laughing.] Unfortunately…

How to Avoid Jury Duty, #11: Witchcraft, or Something

I just noticed this happened in 2003 but I’m going to add it to the list anyway. According to the Yorkshire Post, a woman was excused from jury service in a terrorism case as a result of strange behavior that…

Michael Jackson’s Ghost Testifies His Death Was an Accident

It testified over objection, of course, but the objection was apparently overruled. As you may recall, Jackson died in 2009 from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol, given to him by Dr. Conrad Murray. Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter…

More Fun With Jeremy Bentham

Present but not voting Of course, no reference to Jeremy Bentham would be complete without mentioning that his badly preserved corpse is still on display at University College, London. Bentham did not attend UCL but became affiliated with it in…

NOTE: Do Not Kill Yeti Except in Self-Defense

Apparently in response to a request from someone in Washington, in 1959 the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu (yes, Bob Seger spelled it incorrectly) sent back this brief summary of the Nepalese government's "REGULATIONS GOVERNING MOUNTAIN CLIMBING EXPEDITIONS IN NEPAL—RELATING TO YETI." Most…

Texas Settles With Previously Dead Voters

According to the Austin American-Statesman (via Courthouse News), the lawsuit filed by Texas voters who had been told they were "potentially deceased" has been settled. See "'We're Not Dead, Say Texas Voters Informed They Were Dead," Lowering the Bar (Sept….

Please Don’t Hurt Nessie, Either

Speaking of cryptozoology, Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources would like whoever put a sculpture of the Loch Ness Monster in the Chippewa River to come get it out of there. I guess this would be pseudocryptozoology. According to the report, the…