Unnatural Law

DOJ Moves to Dismiss Geronimo Skull Suit

Legal Times reported on June 12 that the Justice Department had moved to dismiss claims brought by a group of Native Americans who are hoping to recover Geronimo's remains.  See "Geronimo's Descendants Sue to Get His Skull Back," Lowering the…

Geronimo’s Descendants Sue to Get His Skull Back

"We're tired of waiting and we're coming after them," said Harlyn Geronimo, a great-grandson of the famous Apache leader.  Specifically, they're tired of waiting to get Great-Grandpa's skull back from the creeps at Yale who allegedly stole it almost a…

Burglar Says He Was Trapped In Home By “Supernatural Figure”

A Malaysian newspaper reported last weekend that a couple had returned from a trip to find an exhausted, dehydrated and terrified burglar inside their home.  The man, who the couple reportedly found "clasping his hands in an apologetic gesture for his wrongdoing," said…

Woman Arrested for Cybermurder

A 43-year-old woman in Tokyo has been arrested for killing her husband, although they weren't legally married, she didn't really kill him, and he isn't really dead. The two had only met online, as part of a popular interactive game…

UPDATE: Cloned-Dog Owner Wanted in Tennessee

Authorities in Tennessee said last week that Joyce McKinney, the former beauty queen who stalked, kidnapped and assaulted a Mormon missionary, jumped bail by disguising herself as a member of a deaf-mute theater troupe, and then surfaced three decades later…