
Mom Calls C-SPAN Show to Tell Her Sons to Get Along

Connection to the law: tenuous.  But too good not to mention. The set-up: two brothers, one Republican, one Democrat, were on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" show yesterday, talking (and of course arguing) about bipartisanship. This show allows people to call in…

Coma-Faker Pleads Guilty to Fraud

Doesn't seem like it should have taken two years to establish this, but it turns out Alan Knight was lying when he claimed to be quadriplegic and/or comatose in order to avoid court appearances and delay his prosecution. He even…

John Oliver on Civil Forfeiture

Everyone should watch this, or at least everyone who cares about the issue of police officers (and some attorneys) stealing money and property and claiming they are doing it legally through the concept of "civil forfeiture." That really should include…

Okay, Somebody Did Survive Being Sucked Into a Jet Engine

Folks, I am sticking by my conclusion that the medical profession really does not need a billing code to indicate a second office visit by a patient whose complaint is that he was sucked into a jet engine. See “Injury Code V97.33XD:…

BREAKING: Officers Do Not Kill Suspect

Okay, it's not "breaking," but it does seem worth commenting on two recent cases in which officers did not open fire on a suspect. Of course most police-citizen interactions do not end in death, but lately it has at least started…

Severe Chelyabinsk Disney

That's how Google (mis)translated the title of this YouTube post, but I actually liked it a lot. It's very likely staged, because (1) it's too good to be true and (2) if the guys with the dash cam weren't in…