
Is America Ready for a President With a Mustache?

With Trump out of the way, maybe former Bush official John Bolton has a better shot at the presidency, should he decide to run (maybe, but almost certainly not). But is America ready yet for another presidential mustache? That's what…


Those of you who work with the rules governing the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's "Hazard Communication Standard" (not to be confused with the Department of Homeland Security's color-coded "Homeland Security Advisory System," which has at long last been ditched) will…

UC Davis Law School State of Mind

Above the Law is running its annual Law Revue Video Contest, which solicits funny videos from the nation's law-school students. ATL offers some sort of prize to the winners (though not, apparently, a job), and heaps mockery on non-winners, or…

BREAKING: Bin Laden Caught After Tripping on Saggy Pants

Okay – after watching this surveillance video many times, I'm now prepared to concede that it's unlikely to be bin Laden. (Among other things, he was reportedly much taller and not known to drink Bud Light.) But I'm also prepared…

At Long Last?

Two videos, both worth watching. This one is frankly a little hard to watch:   This one is easier and should be watched over and over again:   Different context, obviously, but I think the basic sentiment applies: When are…

GWU Law Students’ Ode to the “Gunner”

This was created by students at George Washington University's law school for their annual law "revue," and it's pretty damn good. Language warning for those who dislike F-bombs; volume warning for those who are fine with them but may be…

It’s Not Your Fault You Microwaved the Cat

"It's not unusual for an elderly person like yourself to think of drying her cat in the microwave. Therefore, it's clearly the fault of the manufacturer for not adding a proper warning." A Japanese view of America, via Overlawyered, Siouxsie…

Video: Grandma Defeats Six Crooks With Handbag

This is fantastic.   At first she seems to have thought it was a fight, and headed over to break it up or at least get a closer look. But “[w]hen I got closer to them I realised it was…