
Please Don’t Text While Skiing

From the Land of Terrible Ideas comes this: Let me be clear: the "heads-up" display in the bottom right of these ski goggles is completely awesome. Not that it's information you need to know, but it's cool and doesn't seem…

Warning: Open Window + Gravity = Bad

Via @walterolson and @thomasabowden on Twitter: I assume one of these is required on every window nowadays, or at least those that open. Other fall-related-warning items here (treadmill), here (non-moving escalator) and here (unstable 10,000-pound safe).

Should This Warning Be on Every Product? [Updated]

I guess it couldn't hurt. In this case, it appears on a smoke grenade, so it probably is a good idea. Whether it would work or not is another story. We actually might be able to test that in this…

Warranty Coverage for Space-Invasion Damage Now Unclear

As several sources reported last week, the ASUS computer company had been offering a special extended warranty program that looked pretty good except for the express exclusion of coverage for "damage caused by natural disaster, intentional or unintentional misuse, acts…

A Brief Lesson on the Law of Design Defect

In most jurisdictions, the primary (and often the sole) test for whether a product has been defectively designed is whether the risks posed by that design outweigh any benefits it may have (cleverly known as the "risk-benefit test"). The plaintiff…

Please Report Me If I Am Missing. Thank You.

Via Popehat, here's a notice that is required to appear on all vending machines in Florida under a law that took effect in 2010: As you can see, the notice tells the reader that the notice the reader is reading…