
Judge Dismisses Google-Walking-Directions Case

As you may recall, Lauren Rosenberg sued Google last year, alleging that its dastardly Google Maps service had given her walking directions that caused her to walk across and then along a highway, where she was allegedly hit by a…

Warning: Do Not Jam Entire Hand Into ATM Slot

On Monday, firefighters had to rescue a woman who got her hand stuck in the money slot of an ATM in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. The woman said the machine had not dispensed the money she asked for, so she went in after…

The End Is Nigh Again

Our Earth is degenerate in these later days; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents … and the end of the world is evidently…

The Case of the Dangerous Dachshund

Plaintiff: Plaintiff enters the Penny Pinchers grocery store in West Point, Mississippi, on August 16, 2006. She says hello. She walks down the aisle. Suddenly, the bark of a savage dog rings out! Plaintiff flees, terrified, with the clicking of the…

Clap On, Clap Off, Case Dismissed

This post at Wired magazine presents a few good examples of dopey warning cases, including the famous hot-coffee lawsuit; the one accusing Apple of failing to warn that if you turn the volume up too high on your iPod, you…

It’s Not Your Fault You Microwaved the Cat

"It's not unusual for an elderly person like yourself to think of drying her cat in the microwave. Therefore, it's clearly the fault of the manufacturer for not adding a proper warning." A Japanese view of America, via Overlawyered, Siouxsie…

Have a Safe Workout

From a report of new filings last week: Chom P. v. YMCA of The East Bay, Case No. RG11-556438 (Alameda County Super. Ct. filed Jan. 18, 2011). Premises liability action where the plaintiff fell while attempting to dismount a treadmill at the Oakland…

Next Wave of Litigation: Ear Candling?

On Point News reports that a Kansas woman has sued Wild Oats Markets and an "ear-candler," alleging that she was injured by a procedure, which she apparently specifically requested, that involves having someone stick a hollow candle in your ear…

NY High Court: Shank Happens

In a brief opinion released today, the New York Court of Appeals agreed with lower courts that a golfer hit by an "errant" shot could not sue his co-golfer for negligence, because one who chooses to golf assumes the risk…

WARNING: Do Not Drink From Toilet, Say Helpful Signs at City Hall

This warning sign appears inside the men's bathroom in the city hall of Chandler, Arizona: Urinals and Toiletsare served with gray water.Do Not Drink.  According to the Arizona Republic, Chandler has a brand-new city hall that incorporates environmentally friendly features,…