
Warning: Open Windows Can Be Hazardous

They can even be hazardous, as the label discussed here implies, if they are only eight inches wide and are located seven feet above the floor. Granted, an infant might come along with a seven-foot ladder and end up plummeting…

Whole Foods Selling Fish It Sort of Doesn’t Want You to Buy

The Whole Foods grocery chain has reportedly begun putting warning labels on some of the seafood it sells suggesting that customers may not want to buy it. Not because there is any risk to consumers, apparently, but because that species…

From the Docket: Satan’s Employees, Dangerous Doors

These are third-party summaries of a couple of cases filed recently in San Francisco Superior Court. This first one seems to involve a party admission of the kind you just don't get that often: Rabbi ______ v. Mark Hopkins Intercontinental…

Warning: Sharp Thing May Cut Hand

Here's a case report describing a recent filing in San Francisco County: Brendan H__ v. KatachiSF Inc. dba Katachi, No. CGC-10-501116 (San Francisco Super. Ct. filed 6/28/10). Personal injury action in which the defendants failed to warn the plaintiff that…

“Warning: Do Not Move 10,000-Pound Safe Without Help.”

As so often happens, a sad story has somehow managed to become a comical lawsuit. The widow of a Florida man who was killed when a safe fell on him has sued the retailer and manufacturer for allegedly failing to warn him of the…

No Christmas Pudding Without a Waiver, Restaurant Says

In olden times, finding a coin in a Christmas pudding was apparently a sign of good luck, but now it is more of a liability concern. Diners at the High Timber restaurant in central London who ordered the traditional Christmas…