Search Results for facebook

Sugar Plum Fairy Fired for Cursing During Drug Test

St. Charles, Missouri, has been in the news before (my news, at least), back when it was contemplating an ordinance that would have banned "profane language" anywhere alcoholic beverages are sold, a ban that would have been unconstitutional as well…

Assorted Stupidity #20

Finally, someone is standing up for the rights of the Great Hamster of Alsace. Via Popehat: the very funny site WTForever 21, which sometimes praises but usually mocks the fashions sold by Forever 21, is now being threatened by that…

Most of Newt Gingrich’s Campaign Staff Resigns

Well, that was fun while it lasted. Which wasn't very long. The Washington Post is reporting today that the entire senior staff of the Gingrich campaign has resigned, apparently based on disagreements over "the path" that the campaign would be…

Saudi Women Planning to Drive on June 17

The one country on the planet that does not allow women to drive may soon have a big traffic jam on its hands, if a planned protest goes forward on June 17. That’s the day that activists have set for…

Tricky Dick: The Musical [Updated]

The Wall Street Journal's Law Blog reports that students at Duke Law School have written and produced a musical about a young Richard Nixon, who graduated (third in his class!) from Duke in 1937 and quickly became its least favorite…

Sarah PalinTM Having Trouble With Registration

I suppose it should not be surprising that Sarah Palin has filed an application to register her name as a trademark. But having learned that, it is not at all surprising that the application was rejected because she forgot to…

How the Great Kansas City Meerkat Caper Unraveled

According to a report in the Kansas City Star, the stolen meerkat just proved to be too much for the teenage masterminds to handle: [Police] said the teens [19 and 17] grew up in the same Northland trailer park and had…

Assorted Stupidity #4

From the Department of Good Ideas: “Owner of Ohio killer bear isn’t making safety fix,” Associated Press (Aug. 23, 2010).  What could happen? Another thing not to post on Facebook, if you are a juror: “Gonna be fun to tell…

“Fleeting Expletives” Policy Struck Down Again

Good news for expletive-users - the Second Circuit has struck down the FCC's "fleeting expletive" policy, holding that it violates the First Amendment. As you may recall, this policy was put in place after Bono dropped an F-bomb at the 2003 Golden Globe Awards…