Search Results for pants

TSA Successfully Passes Three Security Tests

The problem is that it was tested 70 times. Arguably, this graphic from the ABC News report is not entirely accurate, though, because failing 67 out of 70 times is actually a 95.7% failure rate, not 95%. Of course, the banner…

California Supreme Court Report

As I mentioned a few days ago, I argued a case before the California Supreme Court on Tuesday. I thought some of you might be interested to see the checklist I put together to help me prepare: I forgot to…

Assorted Stupidity #72

"He left a very disturbing message with one of my staff people," said California state rep. Lorena Gonzalez. The caller: actor Rob Schneider, who said he would spend money to defeat Gonzalez because she supports a bill to eliminate the…

I Bet That Finger Wasn’t Even Loaded

If I spent a little time searching I could probably find an example of a less effective robbery, but this'll do for today: The suspect said, "Give me your wallet or my buddy will beat you up," but the victim…