Search Results for pants

The 2014 Ig Nobel Prizes

As long as I'm on the topic of Nobel-Prize-Related Comedy With at Best a Tenuous Connection to Legal Humor (see "Did You Pack This Nobel Prize Yourself?" (Oct. 16)), I should mention this year's Ig Nobel Prize winners, which were announced not…

Government Bravely Prosecutes Nun for Embarrassing It

On January 28, unexpected snow postponed the sentencing of 83-year-old Sister Megan Rice and two fellow activists in Knoxville, Tennessee. They face up to 30 years in prison for "willfully damaging federal property" (which they did) and "sabotaging national defense material" (which…

Assorted Stupidity #59

California has a new law that makes it illegal for any food employee to touch ready-to-eat food with bare hands. That means gloves, which sounds okay in general but there's no exemption for people like bartenders and sushi chefs, who I…

Atomic Wedgie Cited as Cause of Death

Well, a cause of death. The victim's death in this Oklahoma case was attributed to "blunt force trauma to the head and asphyxiation," and I'd be willing to bet that blunt-force trauma was the real culprit here but the report does say that…

Washington May Join 19 Other “Right to Dry” States

According to the Seattle Times (via the ABA Journal), 19 U.S. states have laws protecting the right to dry clothes by hanging them outside on clotheslines. Many people think that drying clothes this way is a super-neat and environmentally friendly idea,…

U.S. Pat. No. 1,926,420: Monkey Dog Saddle

The official name is "COMBINED RACING GREYHOUND HARNESS AND RIDER SUPPORTING MEANS," but I like mine better. From the application, filed in 1932: In the sport of greyhound racing, that is enjoyed by dog fanciers and racing enthusiasts, there has…