Search Results for Water

I Can’t Play NHL 2008 Online Forever, Plaintiff Complains

Well, the ever-roiling, always-turbid waters of California consumer law have just coughed up yet another ridiculous creature whose slowly decomposing corpse will stink up the once-pleasant beach that is the federal docket for the next several months. (Previous sentence ©2013…

Assorted Stupidity #52

When attorneys get carried away at a press conference: "I have a client who is not only not guilty, he is truly 100% innocent," said the attorney for the man initially charged with sending ricin to federal officials. She was…

Blade Walks in Daylight Again

Meaning, of course, Wesley Snipes, whose film career has been on hold lately due to being in federal prison. Snipes was convicted in 2008 of not filing federal tax returns, and received a three-year sentence. He is still under house…

How to Finally Get Some Work Done: Kidnap a Handyman

I guess it was more the false imprisonment that got the work done. The kidnapping per se didn't happen until the end of his "shift." The San Francisco Chronicle reports that a couple in Santa Clara (south of SF) was arrested this…

Casey Anthony Sued for $3 Billion by … Someone

Radar Online reports that Casey Anthony, who is officially not a murderer, was recently sued for three billion dollars by a plaintiff who claimed Anthony has been inflicting emotional distress on her through a variety of nefarious means. Technically, this…

No RUI Charge for Florida Drunkard

As I mentioned in this followup to the Kentucky case last week, whether or not it is illegal to ride a horse while under the influence depends on state law, and there are other things the rider could be charged…