Search Results for Water

We Have That Bathroom Problem Again

From a complaint filed in El Paso County, Colorado, in May: FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF(Negligence) 8.  Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each and every other paragraph as though fully set forth herein. 9.  On or about May 28, 2010, Plaintiff…

Please Don’t Hurt Nessie, Either

Speaking of cryptozoology, Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources would like whoever put a sculpture of the Loch Ness Monster in the Chippewa River to come get it out of there. I guess this would be pseudocryptozoology. According to the report, the…

Buddy Trahan Needs a Ride

The beginning of a motion filed in Louisiana on February 21, 2012: IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA  IN RE: OIL SPILL by the OIL RIG "DEEPWATER HORIZON"                 …

UPDATED: Court Declares Brewing Beer an “Essential Service”

Beer is essential, of course, but in this case the question was whether brewing it is an "essential service" that could justify preventing brewery workers from going on strike. According to the Telegraph, a Lithuanian court ruled earlier this month that…

One Hearing, Nine Important Tips

As usual, these tips concern things you should not do. The following excerpts are from R. v. Covey (2001), in which the court held Covey was a "vexatious litigant," meaning he can't file further cases without court approval because he has filed…

Assorted Stupidity #33

The devoted White Castle customer who sued after he became too fat to squeeze into the booths has dropped his case. As you may recall from Assorted Stupidity #27, Martin Kessman said he had been waiting years for his local…

Man Calls 911 to Report Hookers’ Breach of Contract

You'd like to think that, at least during the holiday season, people would try harder to get along and to keep their promises to one another, even if the conduct they're all engaged in is technically illegal. But if they…