Search Results for pants

Last Call in the House of Commons?

I mentioned back in 2008 that the drunken-legislator problem in Australia had gotten to the point that some were calling for members of Parliament to be subjected to periodic breath tests. At least two MPs had been forced to resign…

Amish on the Loose

Is it just me, or is there a rising tide of reports about Amish-related mayhem? The Associated Press reported yesterday (via WSJ) that a number of young Amish adults in western New York had been charged with illegal possession of…

Bad Disguise #5: Shorts on Head

For many people, the facial area is perhaps the most recognizable area of the body, and for that reason an effective disguise will cover that area almost completely. It is important not to cover the eyes, which are the two…

If Pajamas Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Wear Pajamas

I guess that slogan does work better for guns, probably because that's something people might conceivably care about. At least, until recently it honestly hadn't occurred to me that the wearing of pajamas, even in public, could cause any controversy….

Unhappy Halloween, Firm That Mocked Homeless People

If you have been thinking that the public's general impression of lawyers is way too high, and would like to bring it down a few notches, here's an idea: for Halloween, dress up as some of the people you helped…