Search Results for Water

A Few Things I’m Thankful For

That I am lucky enough to not have to shop on "Black Friday." See, e.g., "Customers hit by pepper spray at Wal-Mart describe scene of chaos," Los Angeles Times (Nov. 25, 2011, 2:26 am) (describing a "pepper-spray attack by a…

Sugar Plum Fairy Fired for Cursing During Drug Test

St. Charles, Missouri, has been in the news before (my news, at least), back when it was contemplating an ordinance that would have banned "profane language" anywhere alcoholic beverages are sold, a ban that would have been unconstitutional as well…

Police Skeptical of Suspect’s Claim to Be Invisible

Here's some free advice. If you find yourself telling someone that you are "invisible" and "unstoppable," and the person you are telling that to is a police officer, you are neither one of those things. I guess that's really all there…

George Orwell Is Coming to Get You Both

Well, this is quite remarkable. In this commentary (via Salon), the lawyer who argued that waterboarding does not constitute "torture" now harshly criticizes another lawyer for arguing that bombing does not constitute "hostilities." The making of "utterly farcical" arguments of this kind undermines…

Illegal Rafters Sentenced to Stand in Wading Pool

An Ohio couple who went rafting on a dangerous river without life jackets were sentenced last week to community service. They were charged with "misconduct during an emergency" because, apparently, the river was at flood stage and they either got…

Assorted Stupidity #16

A woman in Vermont may be trying out a "just kidding" defense to a charge of attempted robbery, reportedly telling police that the incident at a gas station was a "joke" and a "misunderstanding." According to the clerk at the…

Tricky Dick: The Musical [Updated]

The Wall Street Journal's Law Blog reports that students at Duke Law School have written and produced a musical about a young Richard Nixon, who graduated (third in his class!) from Duke in 1937 and quickly became its least favorite…